Creative and faithful blog is writen by Karen Clark of Crystal Velvet, a jewellery, tiara and handmade wedding accessories online store. "There are so many amazing things and people that inspire me to craft, create and worship, that I thought I'd share them in this blog."
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Day 22 ~ One A Day ~ Corsage

Friday, January 29, 2010
Day 21 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ Glass bead necklace

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Positive thinking ~ The power of Polly-Anna

Day 20 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ flower brooches
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Holocaust that changed the world ~ Holocaust Rememberance Day
Today is Holocaust rememberance day.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My Beads are "a tonic"
Casting Crowns - Who Am I
Another song with wonderful truthful words
"Not because of who I am,
but because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done
Because of who you are"
Day 18 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ Heart Brooch
Monday, January 25, 2010
Grafitti ~ an art form to embrace

South Cave History Movie
Justin from www.theenchantedgarden.co.uk has assembled these historic images of South Cave and set them to music.
It really amazing to see how little certain aspects of the village have not changed over the years!
Day 17 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ Cake Toppers
Ennio Morricone conducts The Mission (Arena di Verona)
Another twentieth century composer whose music really touches me and has on many occassions been known to make me cry is the italian composer Ennio Morricone wrote the score for the film The Mission (staring Jeremey Ions) a film about missionary's who faced extreme trials whilst taking the message of Christianity to the South American tribes.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Palladio ~ Karl Jenkins
Contemporary composer Karl Jenkins is a favourite of mine. His music is so powerful with its chord progressions. I love the depth of this piece. Another one to look out for is Adeamos.
Great video and still photography to enjoy too!
Day 15 ~ One a Day Challenge ~ Cufflinks
Friday, January 22, 2010
Hide me now ~ Reuben Morgan
Thoughts and prayers for a blogger friend Alleluiabelle and her husband Ron as they face trying times.
Day 14 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ pink choker

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day 13 ~ One A Day ~ It's for me!
Over The Rainbow ~ The Eva Cassidy Story

Guess where I went to last night ....
Hull New Theatre to see the amazing show Over the Rainbow ~ The Eva Cassidy story.
The theatre production features a cast of about 9 people. Some with dual roles. The simple set being excentuated with the use of projected images of the places that Eva grew up in and visited.
The cast members are all competant musicians who form the band and the quality of singing is amazing.
The production shows scenes from her life and starts by introducing a fourteen year old Eva and her family. We see the relationships she had with them all and the shy, awkwardness with which she lived, her despiration to please her father, but her failure to do so. Her wonderful caring German mother, and her protectiveness and love for her sibblings.
We then see her growing up and getting her first job in a wild west theme park as a singer. Her tallent so obvious and yet her shyness holding her back.
When Eva was eighteen she met her sole mate Chris. Chris was a recoring engineer and Eva worked as a backing singer. Chris saw her tallent and when Eva asked him to help her produce a demo tape he agreed.
It was being introduced by Chris to singer Chuck Brown a black jazz singer and he dueted with Eva and was able to open doors into clubs and venues that had previously been shut to Eva.
Then came the famous Blues Alley album recording. Eva had borrowed money to fund it and everything was set. The night was by those that came hailed a success, but technical problems meant that the recording was of very poor qulality and Eva was unhappy as she felt her voice was nasily as she was suffering from a cold.
Sadly a cold was not all the Eva wa suffering from. Her arents owned a plant nursery and Eva loved to be working there, sadly a life outdoors tractor driving in the sun left her with a melanoma. The cancer was vicious and Eva missed appointments and it began to defeat her.
The Blues Alley Albumwith one additional song "O I had a golden thread" was not completed before her death.
On 17th September 1996 Eva gave her last public performance. Her friends organised a tribute concert. Eva arrived in her wheelchair, big fluffy hat and yet when she was lifted onto the stage she sang as though there was nothing wrong at all, her own version of "Wonderful world".
Sadly just six weeks later she died.
Eva Cassidy is the only artist to have achieved 3 postumous number 1 albums.
While she was alive Eva fought against the music industry and their closed minds. Albums had to be marketable in catagories, Jazz, blue, rock, folk, country etc. Eva transcended boundries. Her love for music was just that and her ability saw her totally capable in each genre. Record Labels were not interested in a wide tallent.
Eva Cassidy is still being discovered. Just recently she's had 5 albums all in the charts at the same time in Scandinavia as they have joined the throngs of Eva fans.
For those of you comtemplating going to the theatre to see the show, please don't forget the tissues. It's not only the end that has you weeping. Two songs in and they were flowing, women and men with tears falling.
The show features all her well known songs: Wade in the water, The rose, Kathy's song, Songbird, Imagine, What a wonderful world, Over the Rainbow, Fields of Barley, Autumn leaves and many many more.
Dispite the publicity showing Zoe Tyler. She wasn't there and from what I believe the whole of the spring tour, it will be by a girl who's voice, persona and looks were Eva. Sadly I don't know her name as she didn't appear in the programme. She was wonderful.
Day 12 ~ One a day challenge ~ It's just an illusion!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The original and best artist. The designer of nature who see's the depth of my heart and loves me the same.
You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name!
Beautiful ~Hyacinths
Day 11 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ Bead style

The beads above were plain wooden beads with a varnish coat on them. They have been hanging out in my stash for a long time and I decided to attack them with gold spray. I figured that I could use some gold beads in my designs. This morning I took and empty weetabix box, emptied all the wooden beads in and sprayed them until they were coated in gold. They looked great so I left thm on the back step and went out shopping. I can't believe what has happened and how good and stylish they look. The gold has adhered to certain areas and it now gives the impression that have applied gold leaf foils to them.

Once the bead was baked I attacked it with a blade and shaved tiny areas of the curve so that it gave a hammered metal appearance. The mica is really brought out by this technique and it's quite metalic in it's look.
Both bead designs will find there way into some jewellery later in the week.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 10 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ Polymer clay bracelet
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 9 ~ One A Day ~ fresh water pearl and Swarovski crystal bracelet
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 7 ~ One A Day ~ Polymer clay play
Sunshine Blog Award

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 6 ~ One A Day Challenge ~ Floral mobile charm

Luckily I managed to utilise my jewellery tools to open it up and remove it.
Blogging ~ A celebration

A year and a half ago, Blogs were unknown in my life. I barely knew what one was although I'd have had a guess. Those that wrote them were passionate about them and eventually inspired by one particular blogger (swirlyarts), I started my own.
It was a relitively easy process and Crystal Velvet Weddings sprang to life. I then had to make the decision as to whether to keep it as a professional or social blog and professional won the day.
That left a gap in my blogging life and I contacted another crafts forum member and together we set up Creative and Faithful. I really didn't believe that I had the time or inclination to write two blogs. Very soon though it became clear that I could and the friend left as she had big things happening in her life. Crystal Velvet is a happy balance in the crafting, personal thoughts and a bit of worship thrown in for good measure. I then started up a third blog Hallelujah Joy which is purely worship. There are a few cobwebs over there, but when I feel led, it'll be polished up!
My blogging day begins by logging in to see if there are any comments on my blogs, I then go onto the dashboard and read the posts on the blogs I follow. The beauty of Dashboard is that I can see just a snippt of each blog and can click on any that I want to read more of. I like to leave little comments of encouragement and in some cases prayer. It's such a privaledge to read the inner thoughts of people who don't even know me, to see what makes them tick and to share in their highs and lows. Thnk you to all of you whose blogs I read for giving me inspiring thoughts and stories. It makes me feel that I start my day off surrounded by my freinds from all over the world.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Esther ~ another Heroine!
Day 5 ~ One A Day ~ Red Earrings
I have now fixed the issue, I hope, although I actually have no idea how. I simply clicked on some boxes and it now seems to be working.
As always I love to hear your thoughts on my posts.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Miep Gies
An english project to continue to share the story with those who don't know.
How poignat that towards the end of the video we are told that she is still alive and healthy. Sadly she died yesterday following a short illness.
Day 5 ~ One A Day ~ Amethyst Tiara
Miep Gies ~ A real Heroine

Monday, January 11, 2010
Day 4 ~ One A Day ~ Beaded Bookmarks
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 3 ~ One A Day ~ Earth toned wrap around bracelets

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 2 ~ One a day ~ Art Cards
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 1 ~ One a day challenge ~ flower girl band

That's day one over and done with!