Friday, May 1, 2009

Concert and Coincidence

Last night I attended my 15 year old sons School Spring Concert. Ollie is a violinist and enjoys singing. He does not however enjoy passing on information to his parents and to find anything out about his life, you need to employ the most deductive of detective skills. Finding out only last week that the concert was on was just one of the many "secrets" I discovered by chance.
Certainly knowing what Ol was playing or singing were secrets I'd not managed to discover.
I knew he was practicing from the many texts that flew through the ether during the school day containing such gems as "I have a rehersal after school, can u pick me up at 5 thanx" or "the practice finishes at 4.45" So having played frantic mum taxi for the ;ast couple of weeks, I was looking forward to the concert for at least one reason (that being that I'd not have to play mum taxi and schedule juggler to the extent of the last few weeks.

The concert started of with the orchestra playing a wonderful rendition of the Chronicles of Narnia. it was lilting and beautiful and extrememly complicated but very well played.
and then came the coincidence. The senior students and staff choir (of which Ollie is a member) sang Be still my soul, the very song i'd put on to the blog yesterday. it was a four part harmanised acapella version and was amazing.
The chamber choir sang Gloria by Vivaldi accomanied by violins and cello, again this was blissful to listen to.
Other offerings throughout the evening were: Hallelujah (burke)
waterloo (abba) Eye of the tiger, Out of Africa clarinet piece, wade in the water and many others.
I can honestly say it was the best concert I've been to for a long time. The students are a seriously tallented group of musicians. What was really special was the integration between western classical and modern secular music. The choirs sang to backings from electric guitars and drum kits and tallents were utilised and displayed. The relationships between teachers and pupils was inspiring.

And then came the bomb shell ......... Oliver's violin teacher is retiring. Ollie is taught as a private pupil so I am hoping she'll keep him on , but we wait on tenderhooks until we find out.

1 comment:

Beth in NC said...

It sounds like it was wonderful! I hope the violin teacher will keep him in her care.

Bless you!

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